tirsdag den 22. september 2015

The Shining Mountain - questions - Amanda, Nora, Oliver, Emily

       English - The Shining Mountain questions.

happy ending, starts with “once upon a time”, the Sherpa appears 3 times, goddess/witch, dies/comes back to life, lesson, home - out - home, “quest”, spell, adventure, personal growth. 

a: she is named after the mountain. 
b: Climbing mountains. 
c: He want’s her to be strong like him, and live up to her name. 
d: He is making her climbing rocks with her fingernails and toes.
e: She doesn’t want her to be brave, but careful.
f: He says that they could climb the mountain on their own, cause’ only weak men needs help.
g: He’s got a lot of self-confidence, and want’s to prove his bravery all the time. He is scornful and rude.
h: She doesn’t want to disappoint her father. She cries and wants to go home to her mother, more than anything.
i: He doesn’t believe in the Sherpa/magical creatures. Example: But Pagma-La’s father turned away and laughed. “only weak men believe in old wives’ tales.” Maybe he didn’t see her because he was too focused about his bravery/quest.
j: She takes the heavy load from her every day. Makes Pagma-La’s father realise how special she is, and that he has got way too big expectations for her. 
k: She is tired/weak, but doesn’t want her father to know, because he will be disappointed in her. 

b: blue, white, brown
c: white: purity, peace and youth. blue: true, trust and harmony. brown: stability, home, reliability and comfort.

a: when you are above everything else, you get a better perspective of everything, and since the sky is blue (witch means truth), the thing they get a perspective over is the truth between them. and “where the sun hurts in your eyes”, means facing the “bitter” truth, despite the consequences. 

a: seems most appropriate to us. 

b: the sentence is not about her boots at all, but about Pagma-La trying to tell her father that she can’t live up to his expectations.

8. Stormy, dangerous and “magic”.

1 - the sherpa wants to take Pagma-La’s burden. 
2 - the sherpa takes her clothes. 
3 - She takes Pagma-La’s lungs, heart and heavy heavy bones. 

tall and straight, with skin of darkest claiming gold. yellow eyes and far-seeing as a snow leopard. She wore a cloak of swan’s feathers. 

Coldly and sharply.
To not have too high expectations with his daughter, but also with himself. To stop being “fulltime-hero”, and start being human. 

The swan symbolises purity and hope, witch is exactly what the father doesn’t see in his daughter. 

heavy. Because it symbolises the father-daughter relationship they have. Everything unsaid seems like a heavy load on Pagma-La’s shoulders. 

Because he is not a warm person, that you get any personal connection with. 

Because the story is about the father-daughter relationship.

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