onsdag den 16. september 2015

Spare Time Issue

I want to talk about the spare time situation in Italy compared to Denmark. I think they have way to little sparetime and way to much homework. It must be very difficult to live a normal life with friends and boy/girlfriend when you have 2-3 hours every day which is being spend on homework. 

Every week they have a major test so when they finished a test they have to, immideatly, start reading up to the next test. They have a very short break of fifteen minutes i think and that is really just a shame. 

On the bright side they get off at 1-2 pm which is early compared to our full length days which is from 7:55-15:15. 

In Italy it must be litterally impossible to do the things you want because of how much there is and how little job opportunity there is. Now i am seriously panicking uhm     was that spelled correct? 
W/E haha i actually means W/e and it means whatever. okay back to writing. 

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