onsdag den 16. september 2015



I have choosen to write about piercings. Mostly because I like piercing and I find dem very beautiful in Italy bthey can get piercing at what ever age they are. A few piercing they have to be 14 but that’s it. There are no rules. In Denmark you have to be a specific age to get a piercing in the nose, stomach and so on. I think it is 15 for the stocmach and 16 for the one in the nose. There are also some rules for earrings and piercing. 

You can get earing at any age with your parents promising if your are VERY young. But if you are gonna have a Counch you need to be 15/16 years most places. But of course there are some place where they make them even if your are under that age. But its illegal and if the piercer get caught they can get a really big sum of money they have to pay. Becausee they are not allowed to. I don’t know why and I cant really find many reason but the rules must be there for some reason.

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