onsdag den 16. september 2015

Males in Italy

Italy - differences and simmilarities:

Normally, in my experience, it's girls who are under a lot of pressure and expectations, but from what I was told by our italian visitors, it's not the same way for them.

Boys are under a lot of pressure, especially by parents, and they're conditioned to get a good education+job, so they can provide for themselves, their families, and later on, their parents who have grown old.

The Italians also told us that regarding rules from parents, they can be a lot stricter on boys, which I find surprising, but also not. Because it's human nature (i think) to be gentler to girls, though not have less expecatations. Sure, there are dresscodes and things for girls, but the boys - from a young age - have a lot of expectations thrust upon them.

Also, family-wise, they have a lot more responsibility, and maybe they're more tight-knitted. I was told that since you don't get SU (economical education support), most people live at home when they go to UNI, and only move out when they're in their mid twenties.

And there's also the fact that more and more girls, all throughout EUrope, are starting to really excel in school, meaning tht nnow there might be a bit more competition for the boys.

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