onsdag den 16. september 2015

Going out.

I've choosen the topic going out because i thought tha it was the topic that there was the biggest difference in between italy and mfdnef... denmark fuck. , .  in italy they are very social afterschool and after school ther almost goes out every day, and night..................................... uum the italians ive spoked to said that they was out every night and shops and in tjhe cinema and eating and stuff like dat ,         
ægh and even thought that it is a school day they often wents out for a party

jfea, imårfda... and in italian school they got free from school aobut 13.00 afd then they go off home,
they also have to go to school at saturday so they dont have so many weekend days as us. but they party more often anyways............æ.æ....... uhm writing blockade...................................................

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