torsdag den 24. september 2015

The Shining Mountain

The Shining Mountain
Dudegroup: Tox, Liva, Wiktora, Signe, Carl, Ida

1.      Write down the fairy tale elements you find in the story
- Once there was (beginning)
- A helper
- The helper helps 3 times
- Home, out, home
- 3 main persons (but there is 4)

3.      Take turns to answer the question
a. Why is the girl called Pangma-La?
- The girl is called after The Shining mountain, so that she can be tall and proud.
b. What has Pangma-La’s father done to become famous?
- He climbed the mountains
c. What does the father want for his daughter?
- To be independent and not to be ordinary, but special.
d. How does he prepare her?
-  The father taught her to climb. To balance finely and shin up sheer rocks by toe- and finger-holds.
e. What’s her mother’s attitude?
- She doesn’t want her to get hurt, and don’t want her to go.
f. Why won’t Pangma-La’s father let the Sherpa men carry their loads?
- He’s too proud, and he wants him and he’s daughter to do it themselves. He doesn’t wants to look weak.
g. What is the father’s attitude to the Sherpa men?
- He’s scornful and a bot arrogant
h. What are her feelings for her father and mother?
- She wants to make them proud: “Let her be. She’s tough and hard as nails” and Pangma-La is proud.
i. Why hasn’t Pangma-La’s father seen the old Sherpa woman?
- Because the father doesn’t believe in magic. He grew up, and he lost his imagination.
j. How does the old Sherpa woman help Pangma-La?
- She replaces all her heavy stuff with feathers
k. Why does Pangma-La accept her help?
-She can’t handle the pressure from her body and her father.

4.      a. Why has the author chosen to let them take off in a white plane?
- Because white is the colour of innocence and purity. 
b. What other colours are used in the story?
- Crystal blue, deep blue, gleaming gold, yellow
c. What do these colours symbolize?
- Gold is kind of Nobel, and associated with high standards. Yellow is unreal. Blue is a very open colour. Blue is perhaps freedom and boldness.

5.      Discuss the significance of the following sentence:
“…they were high in the crystal blue sky where the sun hurts your eyes.

- She is the crystal blue sky and the nasty sun, which is blinding her, is the father’s expectations.

6.      Below you’ll find three interpretations of Pangma-La’s dream. Which of them do you find most appropriate and why?

7.      “…my boots are too big and I can’t fill them…”
compare the meaning of the quotation with the following statements and identify the one expressing a different idea
c. I can’t follow in your footsteps

8.      How do the various characters describe the mountain?
- The father sees the mountain as a huge and beautiful mountain. And Pangma-La sees it as a big, cold and lonely mountain because of the father’s expectations.

9.      Sum up the three test
1. The helper want’s to carry Pangma-La’s heavy sack, but she refuses
2. “Take out the heavy things” and replace it with a swans down. Take of your heavy clothes
3. Her heart
The rucksack is like a heavy burden, filled with her father’s expectations.
The clothes are the material stuff, that you don’t really need and she needs to “free” herself. She is “naked” to her father, she’s fragile.

10.  Describe the mountain goddess
-She’s a goddess and she’s godly. She has a golden glance.

11.  How does she talk to Pangma-La’s father?


What has the story to do with the theme growing up?
She grew up with a lot of expectations, and sometimes they can be more harm than good. We need to learn to listen to ourselves, and say stop when it gets too much.

tirsdag den 22. september 2015

The Shining Mountain

1. Write down fairytale elements you find in the story.
·         The mountain witch came 3 time.
·         "once there was..." beginning.
·         Home-out-home model.
·         Magic.
·         Opponent (mountain/the witch).
·         A challenging trial.
·         Unique names.
·         Pagma-La dreamt that this would happen.

3. Take questions to ask and answer the following question: (pp. 18-20)
a) She is named after the mountain. And it's a prediction of the future, and what her father expects from her (to climb it together, even if she doesn't want to).
b) He is a very good and brave mountaineer, and has been filmed during his endeavours.
c) He wants her to be happy, but their happiness is very different, and she isn't happy climbing mountains. He doesn't realize that, and unwittingly puts a lot of pressure on her.
d) He has been preparing her all her life. Training her strength and balance before they set out, so she doesn't go in blind.
e) She is fussing, and worried about her daughter's safety. Her mother is more aware of the pressure Pagma-La is put under. For example, when she wakes up from her dream, she wants her mother, because she doesn't want to disappoint her father by being scared.
f) He's too proud. If they don't do it all by themselves, it's not really their achievement.
g) He feels superior. He doesn't need any help, and definitely not from strangers. The way he declines their offer is quite rude.
h) She looks up to her father, but is scared that she isn't worthy of being his daughter, "She was afraid her father would be disappointed in her."
She feels closer to her mother, for example, she really wants to hug her mother when she wakes up from her nightmare. "Pagma-La woke up frightened and wanting her mother..."
i) The Sherpa woman isn't seen by the father because she is magic, and he doesn't believe in it. She chooses when to appear, and to whom.
j) She helps carry her heavy loads, so Pagma-La's father will still think she is doing all the work, and he won't be disappointed.
k) She wants to live up to her father's expectations, but she's too tired to carry on.

4. Why has the author chosen to let them take off in a white plane?
a) Because the white plane symbolizes the swan Pagma-La will later turn into.
b) White, deep blue prints in the snow, gold, natural colours.
c) The author uses a lot of natural colours to describe the landscape, which makes the goddess contrast more strongly with her unnatural gold skin and animal-like eyes.
White symbolizes purity, which is what Pagma-La is in this story, since all she wants to do is please her father, even at her own expense.

5. Discuss the significance of the following sentence: "... they were high in the crystal blue sky where the sun hurts your eyes."
Besides the obvious rhyme in the sentence, it tells the reader that she is far on her journey, and that the view is supposed to be beautiful, but she can't appreciate it because she is sad.
In this case, the crystal blue sky is her, and the sun blinding her is her father's expectations.

6. Below you will find three interpretations of Pagma-La's dream. Which of them do you find most appropriate and why?
a) Because she is so afraid of disappointing her father, her biggest fear is not being able to climb the mountain that she was named after. She does feel lonely - she can't talk to her father about this, and her mother isn't there.
It is a bit extreme, but she does feel like if she doesn't fulfil the task, she will lose her father's respect, because she has been told all her life she needs to do this.

7. "... my boots are too big and I can't fill them..." Compare the meaning of the quotation with the following statemends and identify the one expressing a different idea.
b) I've got the wrong size boots.
Because that metaphor clearly isn't about her actual foot-size, but about all the aspects of her life in which she feels inadequate.

8. How do the various characters describe the mountain?
Pagma-La describes it with fear, because the mountain holds the key to her father's approval.
The father is awestruck by the mountain, and sees it as unconditionally beautiful. He loves how it's challenging, whereas that is frightening and hard for Pagma-La.

9. Sum up the three tests.
The first test: the Sherpa goddess offers to carry her heavy sack. The first time, she declines, and even tells her father of it, but he didn't see any woman, so she doesn't mention again.
The second test: She switches out the things in her rucksack with feathers.
The third test: She switches out her heavy clothes with feathers to keep her warm.
(The fourth test): She hands over her heavy heart, to be freed of the burden her father has laid upon her.

There are four tests, because the all of these are testing Pagma-La's willpower and how far she is willing to go to please her father.

10. Describe the mountain goddess.
She is a deity of the mountain, in a way she is the mountain. She is tall and straight, and her skin is made of gold, and she has the eyes of a snow-leopard, so she can see in the dense weather and snowstorms. She is strong where Pagma-La is strong, and instead of using that against the humans, she actually helps them, and teaches the father a valuable lesson.

11. How does she talk to Pagma-La's father?
She is disapproving, and she wants to give him a hard lesson. She coldly shows him how he has failed. She is cold, sharp, firm and stern.

12. What is the lesson Pagma-La's father has learned?
Not to pressure his child. He shouldn't expect her to be like him, she needs to choose her own path.

13. Why has the author chosen to let Pagma-La be changed into a swan and not another bird?
A swan is a majestic bird, and it's a pure animal. Just like Pagma-La is a pure child. It is white and innocent, which shows that she has no bad intentions, she was just trying to please him.

The Shining mountain – questions about the fairy tale 

1. old lady appears three times, starts with ” once there was”, there is a test, A lesson, a happy ending, a ”witch”, miracle/magical elements,

A: she’s named after the mountain; because the father wanted his daughter to be strong and light as the gods and feel no human feelings and cry no human tears.
B: he’s a mountaineer
C: for her to be like her namesake, to be strong and stand tall, independent
D: by climbing on stuff and balancing on stuff
E: She wants her to be more careful, she’s afraid she will hurt herself and tear her clothes
F: He thinks they are strong enough to do it on their own
G: Arrogant and rude
H: She doesn’t want o disappoint her father; line 37 and line 4-5 page 20
     She likes her mother but is not afraid to disappoint her, like she is towards like her father.
I: The Sherpa women is a goddess and chooses to only appear to her and not the father.
J: She offers to take her bag, clothes, and heavy heart.
K: She is tired and doesn’t want to disappoint her father by not making it to the top of the mountain a She thinks that letting the Sherpa have her bags will make it easier to make it to the top.

A: Maybe because the plane is like the swan in some way.
B: Brown, Blue, White, Crystal blue, Dark gleaming gold, yellow
C: White = innocence and purity
     Blue = power and the path, color of the gods, peace
     Gold = power and gods
     Brown = poverty, earth
     Yellow = happiness and fantasy, light, confidence

5: it specifies just how high up they are.
6: The first story

7: B is the one that doesn’t fit
all the other have to do with her not being good enough.

8: mother: dangerous
father: the altement climb and beautiful and strong
Pang: scary and a chance to fail her father

9: heavy backpack, heavy clothes, heavy heart
10: cruel, ancient, wrathful
11: as a child, coldly, sharply,
12: don’t push others too far, be realistic with your expectations, let them choose their own path.

13: The goddess appeared as a swan, and the goddess told the father that she made it so the daughter wouldn’t feel human emotion and not human tears, her companion animal is a swan ( the goddess)

14: heavy and weak
17: because it doesn’t matter to the story

18: because she doesn’t matter to the story
For 18 and 17 most fairy tales have a lesson to teach so names are often left out so the person hearing the story has less to remember and isn’t distracted from the point of the story.

The Shining Mountain - questions - Amanda, Nora, Oliver, Emily

       English - The Shining Mountain questions.

happy ending, starts with “once upon a time”, the Sherpa appears 3 times, goddess/witch, dies/comes back to life, lesson, home - out - home, “quest”, spell, adventure, personal growth. 

a: she is named after the mountain. 
b: Climbing mountains. 
c: He want’s her to be strong like him, and live up to her name. 
d: He is making her climbing rocks with her fingernails and toes.
e: She doesn’t want her to be brave, but careful.
f: He says that they could climb the mountain on their own, cause’ only weak men needs help.
g: He’s got a lot of self-confidence, and want’s to prove his bravery all the time. He is scornful and rude.
h: She doesn’t want to disappoint her father. She cries and wants to go home to her mother, more than anything.
i: He doesn’t believe in the Sherpa/magical creatures. Example: But Pagma-La’s father turned away and laughed. “only weak men believe in old wives’ tales.” Maybe he didn’t see her because he was too focused about his bravery/quest.
j: She takes the heavy load from her every day. Makes Pagma-La’s father realise how special she is, and that he has got way too big expectations for her. 
k: She is tired/weak, but doesn’t want her father to know, because he will be disappointed in her. 

b: blue, white, brown
c: white: purity, peace and youth. blue: true, trust and harmony. brown: stability, home, reliability and comfort.

a: when you are above everything else, you get a better perspective of everything, and since the sky is blue (witch means truth), the thing they get a perspective over is the truth between them. and “where the sun hurts in your eyes”, means facing the “bitter” truth, despite the consequences. 

a: seems most appropriate to us. 

b: the sentence is not about her boots at all, but about Pagma-La trying to tell her father that she can’t live up to his expectations.

8. Stormy, dangerous and “magic”.

1 - the sherpa wants to take Pagma-La’s burden. 
2 - the sherpa takes her clothes. 
3 - She takes Pagma-La’s lungs, heart and heavy heavy bones. 

tall and straight, with skin of darkest claiming gold. yellow eyes and far-seeing as a snow leopard. She wore a cloak of swan’s feathers. 

Coldly and sharply.
To not have too high expectations with his daughter, but also with himself. To stop being “fulltime-hero”, and start being human. 

The swan symbolises purity and hope, witch is exactly what the father doesn’t see in his daughter. 

heavy. Because it symbolises the father-daughter relationship they have. Everything unsaid seems like a heavy load on Pagma-La’s shoulders. 

Because he is not a warm person, that you get any personal connection with. 

Because the story is about the father-daughter relationship.

mandag den 21. september 2015

School system

In the Italian schools, they travel alot, we (in denmark) travel too, but not as much as they do.
They start at school at age 6 and live at home until they finished university. As I understood they had many diffeend schools, like: one for music, one for math one for those who were interested in languages and so on… They start at highschool at age 19 (I guess)
They does’nt use computers as much as we do, they only use it for reseach, and then everything else is handwriting.

I wonder how their English lessons are, because they aren’t that good at engish, like, do they just sit there…….

onsdag den 16. september 2015



I have choosen to write about piercings. Mostly because I like piercing and I find dem very beautiful in Italy bthey can get piercing at what ever age they are. A few piercing they have to be 14 but that’s it. There are no rules. In Denmark you have to be a specific age to get a piercing in the nose, stomach and so on. I think it is 15 for the stocmach and 16 for the one in the nose. There are also some rules for earrings and piercing. 

You can get earing at any age with your parents promising if your are VERY young. But if you are gonna have a Counch you need to be 15/16 years most places. But of course there are some place where they make them even if your are under that age. But its illegal and if the piercer get caught they can get a really big sum of money they have to pay. Becausee they are not allowed to. I don’t know why and I cant really find many reason but the rules must be there for some reason.

The italian food

In fact, there is many differences in these two cultures. Italian food is more attractive, if you ever have been in Italy, you know that it is the right place to eat a pizza or a pasta. There is more taste and more flavors. It is like experience the whole country though their amazing tasty, and olive food. Which you could swallow without thinking more about it, then less a minute. 

Italien Life-style

Many of the italien told us about how they lived in itali in the daly basis comperd to danmark. I do not know what tey are doing at home, but the said that the schools had books insted of computers, theyr school is very oldschool compered to danish schools. 

Drinking in Italy

In Italy they also drink. Maybe not as much i Denmark but they drink. They like to party and be with friends all the time. And when you party you also drink. In Denmark you have to be 16 to buy alcohol. And 18 to buy liquor. In Italy you have to be 18 or of course more to buy any kinds of alcohol and you when you're

Breakfast in Italy

How can the Italians have a so small amount of breakfast, and still make it through the day. I know that if I only had a biscuit and a glass of milk, I would pretty much die at the middle of the day, and my corpse would probably be long gone at night. Some of them said that it was because they didn't have enough time to get ready in the morning. So I asked them what time they used to wake up, and they said "at around 06:00 am". If you wake up at 06:00 am and you don't have enough time for breakfast, what do you do the rest of the time.


in Italy, the limit for getting a tattoo is 16, with parental permission. . In Denmark, you can first legally get tattoos when you are 18, but you can get it if you know someone who knows someone. 

I want to be able to get a tattoo when I'm 16, and maybe my parents will let me. 

Spare Time Issue

I want to talk about the spare time situation in Italy compared to Denmark. I think they have way to little sparetime and way to much homework. It must be very difficult to live a normal life with friends and boy/girlfriend when you have 2-3 hours every day which is being spend on homework. 

Every week they have a major test so when they finished a test they have to, immideatly, start reading up to the next test. They have a very short break of fifteen minutes i think and that is really just a shame. 

On the bright side they get off at 1-2 pm which is early compared to our full length days which is from 7:55-15:15. 

In Italy it must be litterally impossible to do the things you want because of how much there is and how little job opportunity there is. Now i am seriously panicking uhm     was that spelled correct? 
W/E haha i actually means W/e and it means whatever. okay back to writing. 

Sex, and young people

Sex and young people

The italians is people like me and you, but sometimes i think they are from a whole new galaxy, but they are not, of course not. It's just that, i can't relate to them, cause i don't see in my world, in my day, and i can't relate to them.

But, we are humans and we have feelings, and we feel. But we have been growing up differently, so we do something in one way and they do it in another way. Fx. sex.

In italy, they don'

Tattoos and piercings in Italy

In Italy people get tattoo and piercings. 
They can legally get a piercing when they are 14, and can legally get a tattoo when they're 18. 
If they want the tattoo to be made by a professionel tattooartist, they have to be 18 years old, but at lot of the Italians make their own tattoos. They make their own tattoo by taking a ordinary needle and some ink, and they just stick the needle i their own skin, and put the ink down in the little wound. 

Males in Italy

Italy - differences and simmilarities:

Normally, in my experience, it's girls who are under a lot of pressure and expectations, but from what I was told by our italian visitors, it's not the same way for them.

Boys are under a lot of pressure, especially by parents, and they're conditioned to get a good education+job, so they can provide for themselves, their families, and later on, their parents who have grown old.

The Italians also told us that regarding rules from parents, they can be a lot stricter on boys, which I find surprising, but also not. Because it's human nature (i think) to be gentler to girls, though not have less expecatations. Sure, there are dresscodes and things for girls, but the boys - from a young age - have a lot of expectations thrust upon them.

Also, family-wise, they have a lot more responsibility, and maybe they're more tight-knitted. I was told that since you don't get SU (economical education support), most people live at home when they go to UNI, and only move out when they're in their mid twenties.

And there's also the fact that more and more girls, all throughout EUrope, are starting to really excel in school, meaning tht nnow there might be a bit more competition for the boys.

School in Italy vs. in Denmark

In Denmark we go to elementary school for about 10 years. Some people go a year extra, and some a year less. After elementary school, you can choose what kind of education you wat to start on. You can choos to go 2, 3 og sometimes 4 years extra in something called "gymnasium" or "HF".

In Italy you go in school about 13 years, and after that you can choose if you wanna go to the university. You have short days, 5 or 6 hours, and you only have one break about 15 min. You don't eat lunch at the school, you eat lunch when you get home.

Family differences 

In Denmark we don't have as big families as in Italy. We usually live with our parents, maybe even just one parent, and a couple of siblings. When our grandparents get to old to take care of themselves,
we put them into a home for the elderly, so we don't have to take care ourselves. In Italy most families have their grandparents living in the same house as you, being just as big a part of the family. It is like you have a lot more respect for the elderly in Italy, and pay them back, for everything they've done for the family before they got to old. In Denmark a lot of us have cousins, but we don't really know them, or at least don't see them very often. The Italians told us, that every vacation is used on family visits, cause family is a very important thing.

Italian food vs. danish food

Italian food vs. danish food

In italy they have a lot of diffrences from Denmark. But one of the big things is their food. Italian food is a world famous thing. And almost everyone knows and love pizza or pasta. But how do they really do it in Italy? Why is it so special from Denmark? Of course their resouses are completly diffrent than ours because of their hot clima. And they also love growing things themselfs.

A lot of italian have farms and/or resturants which can seem very private but really they love other people to visit.

But lets just talk about the Italian ingredience for a secound. Theres a saying that

The Italian School System

The italian school system is somewhat very different from the Danish system.

In Italy they have primary, elementery and high school.

Primary school is kind of like the Danish "indskoling" from 6-9 years.
Then there is elementery school which is from 10-14 years and then high school which is from 15-19.

The difference between the Danish and italian school system however is that the schools in Italy one has a surtain weight on a surtain thing like music, language, mathmatics, sport and so on. The topics the students has in school is therefore connected to the schools main focus point.

The Italian students that came to visit us was from a high school who focused on languages and therefore they traveled a lot.

Another difference is, that the Italian students has to wear a uniform to school ...


Studies in Denmark vs studies in italy is very different, very old, if you can call it that. Italy is very oldish compared to Denmark because in Italy they only get to choose between language and economy, while we in Denmark get to choose if its music, language, math, and all kinds of choices depending on what your interest in on and how you want to educate yourself afterwards. I think it is very sad that they're not givin the same possibilities as we, as danes, are. The schooltime isn't the same either, because they can go home for lunch, so they only go to school to their lunchbreak is starting.
Going out.

I've choosen the topic going out because i thought tha it was the topic that there was the biggest difference in between italy and mfdnef... denmark fuck. , .  in italy they are very social afterschool and after school ther almost goes out every day, and night..................................... uum the italians ive spoked to said that they was out every night and shops and in tjhe cinema and eating and stuff like dat ,         
ægh and even thought that it is a school day they often wents out for a party

jfea, imårfda... and in italian school they got free from school aobut 13.00 afd then they go off home,
they also have to go to school at saturday so they dont have so many weekend days as us. but they party more often anyways............æ.æ....... uhm writing blockade...................................................