torsdag den 12. november 2015


Study Questions for Rendezvous asm  by David Ransom ­­­­­­__________
1)         Write a short summary of the short story Rendezvous.
Payton was driving on the Interstate. He fled not only from the police but also from the priest, because he had killed 5 persons. The priest did not want to help him. He had sinned too hard.
Kim fled from her home. She wanted to punish her parents for not treating her like a 15 year old. She is hitchhiking
Payton picks up Kim on the Interstate. Payton sees her as another victim.

2)         What genre is the text?

3)         How does the author build suspense?

You may want to consider:
Choice of words this
General language use
Sentence structure that
Structure of the text as a whole this'n'that

4)         Why has Payton been visiting a priest and going to funerals? (lines 10-26, p. 52)
Payton has been visiting the priest, because has sinned by killing people

5)         What happens at the end? (give arguments for your claims)
I think Payton murders Kim. The story tells us that Payton is a serial killer. It tells that he has been sending flowers and visited 3 of 5 funeral homes. I think he has been picking up hitchhikers and then killed them

Content (continued):
6)         Make a thorough character sketch of Payton and Kim.
Payton is a mentally ill man. He has been killing people without feeling bad about it. He may have gotten sympathy for the casualties’ family and friends. He then seeks the priest for God’s absolution. He is driving around on the Interstate while both speeding and drinking Budweiser, looking for innocent hitchhikers to slay.
Kim is 15 years old. She is disrespectful. She wants to punish her parents for treating her inappropriately

Content (continued further ;-))
7)         What could be the symbolic meaning of the drums?
I think it is a symbol for the atmosphere inside of the car, Payton getting hyped
8)         And of the tattoo?
The tattoo is a picture of a cobra snake. A snake is dangerous, so is Payton
9)         What are the themes of the text?

Now, submit your answers to the blog J

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