onsdag den 11. november 2015


Study Questions for Rendezvous by David Ransom ­­­­­­__________
1)      Write a short summary of the short story Rendezvous.
Payton is driving on the interstate and he is drinking Budweiser. Kim fled from home because she wanted to show her parents that she could control her own life. Payton is a serial killer and he picks Kim up in the ending.

2)      What genre is the text?
A crime novel

3)      How does the author build suspense?

You may want to consider:
Choice of words yids
General language use  
Sentence structure yids
Structure of the text as a whole yids

4)      Why has Payton been visiting a priest and going to funerals? (lines 10-26, p. 52)
Becuase he has sinned. Killed people.

5)      What happens at the end? (give arguments for your claims)
I think that Kim is murdered by Payton. We are informed that he sent flowers and visited funeral homes 3 of 5 times he had been on the interstate.

Content (continued):
6)      Make a thorough character sketch of Payton and Kim.
Payton: he is absolutely deranged. He is drinking and a serial killer. We know this because that he talks about this priest. The priest told him to go to the police and Payton got mad and said he showed remorse by sending flowers and showing up at funeral homes.

Kim: She is 15 years old and she ran away from home because she wanted to punish her parents. She gets killed in the ending.

Content (continued further ;-)   )
7)      What could be the symbolic meaning of the drums? He gets a thrill. His heart pounds.

8)      And of the tattoo?: A Cobra is a mighty beast. It is deadly. He is deadly.

9)      What are the themes of the text?: VIOLENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10)  What is the symbolic meaning of the saxophone: Subconscious

Now, submit your answers to the blog J

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